PINK IS FOR KALLI! This blog will probably be about baby Kalli for a while so we've decided to change the theme :) You can read about our wedding at

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Kalli Update

Kalli's 3 months and a half now and she's just adorable! She has learned so much and she has gotten bigger too. She was already 6.1 kilograms from her last check-up and I.m pretty sure she's gotten bigger since then.

Two weeks ago she learned to play with the baby in the mirror. It was so funny seeing her smile and laugh and talk to herself! :) Even when she was about to cry, every time I carried her infront of the mirror she started smiling :)

Then last week we discovered that she loves the electric fan. She gets all excited when the fan is facing her. Then she quiets down when it moves away, all the while staring at it and waiting for it to return. And when it does, she starts again. Legs kicking. Arms flying. Laughing and squeeling. She's just like an energizer baby!

It's just amazing how 3 months ago she was just this tiny little baby, crying eating sleeping, and barely able to see. Now we're seeing more and more of her personality, and it's just wonderful! It's really great having Kalli in our lives! :)


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