PINK IS FOR KALLI! This blog will probably be about baby Kalli for a while so we've decided to change the theme :) You can read about our wedding at

Thursday, August 03, 2006

23 Weeks - Are We Ready?

I'm now on my 23rd-24th week. 6 months. Wow, time really flies! In 3 months more we will be welcoming our little angel into this world. Imagine that! Are we even ready yet? I don't know. Financially, I'm not even sure how much we would need for the birthing. I have a friend who is also giving birth this September and we have the same hospital. She said she already computed the cost and it will be around 100k-150k. That much?? For a normal delivery??? I don't think I want to believe that, hehehe. I thought it would fall more around the figures 60k-80k, even less. Am I being naïve in thinking that? Granted that Medical City is a little more expensive than other hospitals. But still. Heck, I knew of someone who gave birth for only 500 pesos in Makati!

Anyhoo, taking out the financial aspect, are we ready? Well, emotionally I feel really excited to be a mommy. And I know Leo is excited to be a dad too. But does that mean we are ready to be parents? I mean who could really say for sure? To be honest, I still think of myself as a kid sometimes. But then my own mom often acts like a kid too, and that doesn't stop her from being the perfect mom that she is. Infact I think it's a necessity that you learn to be a kid when you're a parent.

Now, having said I'm excited to be a mom, I feel a whole different emotion when it comes to the birthing. I'm actually starting to feel terrified the closer November gets. I know it's going to be painful, everybody's saying that. Just how painful is it exactly? I guess it differs for every mother. It doesn't help that I'm not having an easy time with my pregnancy. Even now I'm on bedrest again! Almost 3rd trimester and I'm still bedresting :( I just hope it's not a reflection of how the birthing's gonna be.

Anyhoo, ready or not, we want to do good for our little angel -- and I think that's what's important. Doesn't matter if we don't know how yet. We'll probably fumble through some decisions and situations, but help is all around anyway. We're grateful for that. And we've got faith.


2 Comment(s):

At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well! According to my "bubuwii", gallbladder store vile from the liver. One of the causes of having too much cholesterol is by eating too much fat. If there is too much fat in the liver, cholesterol increases and the gallbladder cannot get rid of the vile and it develop into that thing we call gallstone.
So stay away from "adobo", he,he,he..........Oh yeah! My "bubuwii" also said that too much birth control pills can also cause gallstone....Well, I will have to research that one pa! You know, what are the ingredients of the pills that causes it. Tita Becky

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi tita Becky! Thanks for dropping a comment :) Hope you and tito Rhobin are ok.

According to our research, pregnant women are also prone to gallstones because of too much progesterone. Anyhoo, I'm staying away from anything fried and oily, as well as milk and cheese :(

-- Sheila


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