PINK IS FOR KALLI! This blog will probably be about baby Kalli for a while so we've decided to change the theme :) You can read about our wedding at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Launching Cagalli's Corner

Kalli's got her very own blog! Now her ninongs and ninangs can read about her without having to read through entries about pretty boring me. Not that I have been blogging about me lately. Come to think of it, I don't think I have blogged about myself for a long time. Hmmm...

Anyhoo, visit Kalli's blog at I'll be posting a lot of pictures there too :)



Saturday, March 17, 2007


I feel that I should blog more often - like every other day or even daily. Why? Cause Kalli's growing and learning so quickly and there's just so much to tell!

These past few days she has learned to grab her feet. Of course whatever she grabs she puts in her mouth. Hahaha, pretty soon she'll be sucking on her big toe. It's amazing how flexible babies are! Note to self: Enroll Kalli in gymnastics or ballet before she loses that natural flexibility :D

Kalli had her monthly check-up last saturday. She took 1 immunization shot, and guess what? She did NOT cry at all! I was so proud! My baby was so brave :) But then she had her ears pierced too afterwards. And goodness, she cried SO MUCH then! It broke my heart to see her cry like that. I almost did not let her doctor pierce the other ear! Well it's a good thing I did cause now she looks like a princess :) Problem is now I have a new reason not sleep at night cause I keep worrying that she'll grab her earings and pull it off!

But Kalli reached a milestone that topped off all her other accomplishments for the week.Today (or last night, although Leo and I just saw it this morning) she learned to roll to her tummy. She can turn now! And not just the almost-full-turn-with-arms-trapped-under that she has been practicing before, but the real look-mommy-I-am-even-lifting-my-head turn! Leo and I are so happy and proud :) Of course we took a lot of pictures again, as well as videos. I'll try to upload it this week and post the link here.

Ok, so that's it for now. I actually have more stories to tell, but let's leave that for later - if I get the time. Right now I need to prepare myself and Kalli cause we're going to visit her lola.

Until next post (hopefully with pictures next time)!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


It's Kalli's 4th month-birthday today! I wish we (daddy and mommy) could have been with her the whole day, but of course we had to go to work. We planned to go home as early as we could, but still ended up getting home at 9pm It's a good thing Kalli's still awake when we got home. Actually, lately she was always awake when we get home. Even when she's already sleeping, she'd wake up to greet us. It's really sweet - like she's waiting for quality time with mommy and daddy :)

Anyhoo, back to her birthday, we bought her a cake and palabok from red ribbon. Grandma also cooked her sotanghon soup. We set up all the food (including dinner) on the table and had a pictorial session - as we always do on her month-birthday. I'll post the link to the pictures once I have uploaded them.

Right now Kalli's still awake and playing with her daddy. I guess I have to go back there now. Wouldn't want to miss spending time with her on her birthday.

Until next post....


Friday, March 09, 2007

Prettiest Baby

I've got the prettiest baby ever! Hahaha, I'm sure all mothers are saying that. But I really believe Kalli's the prettiest, hehehe. Oh ok ok, I shouldn't compare. All babies are cute.

Nevertheless, Kalli's getting prettier and prettier everyday. Her head's more rounded now, losing it's initial cone shape. Her mouth's so feminine and cute. Her eyes are so charming, especially when she smiles. She takes my breath away! Well ok, so her nose has started flattening since her face started rounding. But I'm still hopeful that it'll grow sharper (is that how we call "matangos" in english?) when she grows older :) And so what if her ears are a little big? Her mommy's got big ears too but she still turned out quite stunning, right? Ahahaha!

I'm really loving this marriage and motherhood thing. Now don't get deceived cause it can be a lot of work, lot of sacrifices, and can be financially challenging. But it completes me somehow. It gives me contentment, but at the same time encourages me to dream more - for me and my family.

I'm really happy right now :)


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

On Laughs and Lolas

Ok so I'm trying to post at least one entry a week about Kalli. I want to record her development so that someday she can read about it. That's assuming blogspot will still be around by the time she learns to read. But I'm feeling optimistic. And besides, Kalli may turn out to be a genius and learn to read at the age of 1. That wouldn't be too far away, would it? Why, her grandma swears she can already count 1 2 3 4 5! She's having trouble pronouncing 3 though, hehehe :)

So what's new with our baby? Well, she has learned to laugh. I mean really laugh! Before, she just gives you this big big smile and squeels. Now she does the hahahaha. I tell you, she's learning so much everyday :)

She's also doing something with her lips lately. Like chewing it or playing with her gums. She's so funny when she does that cause she looks likes an old lady chewing her "nganga". We call her lola. Kalli the lola, hehehe.

Ok, so that's it for now. I'm thinking of making a new blog for Kalli where I can post pictures of her and, well, basically all about her. I'll try to do that when I get the time.

Until next post...


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Kalli Update

Kalli's 3 months and a half now and she's just adorable! She has learned so much and she has gotten bigger too. She was already 6.1 kilograms from her last check-up and I.m pretty sure she's gotten bigger since then.

Two weeks ago she learned to play with the baby in the mirror. It was so funny seeing her smile and laugh and talk to herself! :) Even when she was about to cry, every time I carried her infront of the mirror she started smiling :)

Then last week we discovered that she loves the electric fan. She gets all excited when the fan is facing her. Then she quiets down when it moves away, all the while staring at it and waiting for it to return. And when it does, she starts again. Legs kicking. Arms flying. Laughing and squeeling. She's just like an energizer baby!

It's just amazing how 3 months ago she was just this tiny little baby, crying eating sleeping, and barely able to see. Now we're seeing more and more of her personality, and it's just wonderful! It's really great having Kalli in our lives! :)
